Colorado Soccer Association partnered with Sports Connect ahead of the 2022-23 seasonal year. Below are a variety of support sites, phone numbers, and resources that can be used with the new software platform for all of programs and leagues for Colorado Soccer.

  • Click here for information regarding Association Technical Support.

    The Help Center contains answers to FAQs and is available at anytime. Click here to the Help Center.

    For live technical support over the phone with a technical expert, please call 855-980-2886.

  • Click here for information regarding Club Technical Support.

    The Help Center contains answers to FAQs and is available at anytime. Click here to the Help Center.

    For live technical support over the phone with a technical expert, please call 866-258-3303.

    There are webinars handled on a weekly basis. To view and sign up for upcoming webinars, please visit

  • Coaches & Managers:

    • If you have not submitted a background check, you will first need to create/register your coach/manager account with Colorado Soccer Association.

      • If your club uses Sports Connect for online registration, you will want to contact your club as you need to register for the season with your club.

      • If your club does NOT use Sports Connect, you will need to register directly with Colorado Soccer Association. To do this, click here to view a walkthrough.

    • After you have registered your account with your club and/or Colorado Soccer Association, click here to follow a walkthrough on how to complete the risk management requirements.

    Club Admin & DOCs:

    1. First, an application will need to be created for the club admin/DOC for the seasonal year. Click here for a walkthrough to get this completed.

    2. Next, they will need to submit a new background check AFTER an application has been created using the walkthrough in Step 1. To complete the background check through Sports Connect, click here to view a walkthrough.

    3. After Step 1 has been completed and there is an approved background check on file, you can link that admin user to the Security access tab in your club by following the instructions here.

  • Registering teams in Sports Connect involves two steps after you have created your teams in the system.

    1. First, you will register your teams for the league. Click here to follow a walkthrough to get this completed.

    2. After the teams have been registered, you will need to choose the requested division for each team. To complete this step for each of your teams, please follow this walkthrough.

    Paying an invoice is done through the Online Invoice Management section in Sports Connect. For more information, please see the “Clubs Paying Invoices” drop-down on this page.

  • To register a team for the Spring 2024 State Cup, Presidents Cup, or Centennial Cup, click here to view a walkthrough.

  • All league fees, referee fees for Advanced League, rec player fees, background checks, and any other fees paid for by the club to CSA will be generated as invoices in the Online Invoice Management system in Sports Connect.

    To view the walkthrough on how to locate the invoice, see a breakdown on how the total was calculated, and how to pay the invoice, click here.

    League Fees: Any fees owed for participation in the Advanced League, Front Range League, or Mountain Region League are manually invoiced by the league administrator. For specific dates, please see the timeline provided to your club by the league admin.

    Rec Player Registration & Background Checks: For Rec Player Registration and Background Checks, Sports Connect automatically creates an invoice in Online Invoice Management (OIM) on the first of every month. This is based on the amount of applications you created for players with a Recreational play level in the 2022-23 season in the system, as well as the amount of team and club admins that submitted background checks through your club in Sports Connect.

  • When a player needs to be released or transferred to another club, there are two separate set of steps that need to be completed: one by the parent/player; the other by the club registrars.

    To view the procedure that needs to be followed by the parent/player, click here.

    The view the procedure for the club registrar, click here.

  • To add Directors of Coaching to multiple rosters, click here to follow the walkthrough.

    To build rosters, activate teams, and print rosters, click here to follow the walkthrough.

    To add club pass players to a league or cup roster and print the roster, click here to follow the walkthrough.

  • In each of the leagues operated by Colorado Soccer (Advanced League, Front Range League, Mountain Region League), clubs are responsible for creating the venues they utilize for home league games, as well as assigning a time and field to each of the games they are hosting.

    Click here to follow a walkthrough on how to create a venue and fields on which you play games. If you the venue you are playing at is used by other clubs, PLEASE CHECK TO MAKE TO FOLLOW THE FIRST SEARCH STEPS IN THE WALKTHROUGH TO PREVENT CREATING A DUPLICATE VENUE IN THE SYSTEM.

    When the home scheduling window opens for your league and after you have created the venues/fields, you will be able to assign a time and field to each of your home games. Click here to follow a walkthrough on how to complete this process.

  • To reschedule league games in Sports Connect or update the schedule to reflect a change in game details, click here to view how the club-to-club rescheduling process works.

  • Each seasonal starts with a clean slate. To bring players and admin over to a new seasonal year, just upload the spreadsheet of players/admin in the new seasonal year and their information and statuses (verification, risk management, photo, etc.) will copy over.

    To copy teams from one seasonal year to another, click here to follow a walkthrough.

  • Sports Connect has their own channel on Vimeo, where you can find screen recordings on a variety of different tasks. Click here to view the Sports Connect Vimeo channel.